La primaire démocrate, ou le défi de l’éligibilité
Le Grand Continent •
The Super Tuesday of the US presidential primary seasons will take place on the 3rd of March. On this day, 1357 of the 3979 pledged delegates will be allotted to one of the Democratic candidates, from 14 states.
This seventh European Wednesday of Hilary will focus on the meaning of these results for the future of the political landscape in the United States and in Europe.
We will have the pleasure to welcome Daniil Ukhorskiy who works on American Elections, and writes about it for the Oxford Political Review.
The conversation will focus on three main topics :
1) Who’s the most likely Democratic candidate to win the nomination now ?
2) Is Bernie Sanders a credible alternative to the opposition between centrism and populism ?
Here, we will discuss the negative consequences of this opposition on a global scale. For instance, in France, polls showed that 80 % of the population would be profoundly unhappy with a new duel between Marine le Pen and Emmanuel Macron in the 2022 presidential elections.
3) Can we draw parallels between US politics and European politics ? What would the American elections then mean ? If Bernie Sanders is nominated, is he doomed to lose as Jeremy Corbyn lost against Boris Johnson, or is this comparison completely ludicrous ?
No debate experience or political background is necessary. We value diversity of perspectives and opinions.
Free refreshments will be provided at 7pm and the session starts at 7:15 promptly.
Saint John’s College, New Seminar Room (see map below)